Cornflake Meringues


One of the things I love about Nana’s books is flicking through and finding little handwritten recipes from other people. I happened across the following recipe yesterday while flicking through and it came at a perfect time. Mum and I had made a big batch of delicious lemon curd during the week and were left with a few lonely egg whites. Not wanting to waste anything that could be turned into something delicious they sat looking hopeful in the fridge for a couple of days (the internet says you can keep them in the fridge for 2-4 days). And then I stumbled across the recipe for Cornflake Meringues.

This is such a simple recipe. 3 ingredients and minimal effort. It comes from Betty, who Mum and I have concluded must be Betty McGillivray (hello to all you McGillivrays). On a side note (and I think I’ve given them a plug before) if you ever happen to pass through Gunbower, please do yourself a favour and visit McGillivray Meats. You will never have a better sausage. Ever.  Find them here.

Anyway, back to cornflake meringues.  You’ll see in the original recipe that normal sugar has been used. I was a little hesitant at first, thinking perhaps the assumption was that I should know that castor sugar was what was meant. But the result was delicious.  These tasty morsels are an initial blast of sweet. But that is quickly followed by a lovely lightness that causes any residual sweetness to disappear. The result is a light, crunchy morsel.j

You will need:

  • 2 egg whites
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 3 1/2 cups cornflakes

Do this:

  1. Preheat oven to 150 fan forced.
  2. Beat egg whites until stiff (I used the whisk attachment for all steps).
  3. Add sugar gradually.
  4. Blend in cornflakes.
  5. Place teaspoonfuls on a prepared tray.
  6. Bake for 45 minutes.



The note then says ‘Good Luck, Betty’.

I promise you won’t need luck though.

Love K & K xx

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